Shikarpur Postal Codes 2024 | Shikarpur Zip Codes | Pakistan

List of All the Shikarpur Postal Codes



Gari Yasin

Karam Pur

Khan Pur

Lakhi Ghulam Shah



Shikarpur City

Shikarpur Saddar











List of All the Shikarpur Postal Codes





Gari Yasin


Karam Pur


Khan Pur


Lakhi Ghulam Shah






Shikarpur City


Shikarpur Saddar


What is a Postal Code in Shikarpur?

Postal Code of Shikarpur

As Shikarpur is a city of Pakistan Postal Code, all of its regions contain a five-digit Postal code. Dakhan, Shikarpur Saddar, Ruk, and all the regions within Shikarpur have their unique postal codes written at the end of every address in Shikarpur. These codes identify all the regions in Shikarpur and help sort mail or other deliveries in the city. The Main Postal Code of Shikarpur is 78000.

Here is a detailed guide to Larkana Postal Code and its all the regions. Click here to compare it with Shikarpur.

Postal Code Structure of Shikarpur

The postal code structure of Shikarpur is based on a 5-digit format where the first two digits refer to the city and the last three digits identify the exact location within that city. 

Postal Codes in Sindh range from 65xxx to 79xxx.Shikarpur is a part of Sindh Province and its code is 78xxx. 78 is the main Shikarpur Postal Code and xxx can be any number identifying any specific geographical region within Shikarpur. 

  • 78030 is a Postal code in which 78 refers to Shikarpur and 030 refers to Madiji. 
  • 78050 is a code where 78 is for Shikarpur and the remaining 050 is for Chak. 


The Shikarpur Postal Code System has played an important role in the accurate delivery of mail, letters, packages, and e-commerce products within the city. In this system, a postal code is assigned to every single region in the city to ensure that all the regions have their separate identities and those identities can be used worldwide for sending and receiving mail, letters, or any parcels.

The Postal Code of Shikarpur consists of five numbers, where the first two numbers identify the city and the last three numbers identify the exact location. The main code of Shikarpur post is 78000 and the postal code for Shikarpur is 78xxx where 78 identifies Shikarpur and xxx identifies the location of a specific geographical region in Shikarpur. 

We strived to provide most accurate information about Postal codes of Shikarpur. In case, having any doubt or for more detailed information, visit Pakistan Post Website.

Frequently Asked Questions

There is no major difference between postal codes and ZIP codes but originally, ZIP codes are specific to the USA, while postal codes are used internationally. 

There are almost 10 Shikarpur postal codes from which 8 codes are of delivery post offices and the remaining 2 are the codes of non-delivery post offices. 

A delivery post office delivers mail and other packages to the recipient’s home within a specific area but a non-delivery post office requires the recipient to receive their packages or letters from the post office. 

The postal codes are assigned to all the regions within a city to ensure that every region has its own identity and they also help in accurate delivery of mail, letters, and online deliveries.

Generally, the Shikarpur postal codes remain the same but they can be changed due to some reasons like adding new postal zones or making changes to the postal code system or delivery system. 

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